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이전페이지 다음페이지



Mid to long-term management goals

Current status of industrial accidents

Assortment Unit Data of 3years Note
2021 2022 2023
Number of industrial accident case 0 0 1 -
Industrial accident rate % 0 0 0.23 -
Lost time injury
fequency rate(LTIFR)
% 0 0 1.32 -
Occupational iliness
frequency rate(OIFR)
% 0 0 0 -

※ Lost time injury fequency rate(LTIFR) : Number of industrial accidents resulting in injuries that occurred during a 12-month period divided by the total hours worked by all employees during the same 12-month period (number of employees * 8 hours * 5 days * 50 weeks)
※ Occupational iliness frequency(OIFR) : Number of occupational disease-related industrial injuries that occurred during a 12-month period divided by the total hours worked by all employees during the same 12-month period (number of employees * 8 hours * 5 days * 50 weeks)

Current status of industrial accidents(subcontractors)

Assortment Unit Data of 2023 Note
Number of subcontractors ea 9 -
Number of industrial accident case 1 -
Lost time injury
fequency rate(LTIFR)
% 3.41 -
Occupational iliness
frequency rate(OIFR)
% 0 -

※ Lost time injury fequency rate(LTIFR) : Number of industrial accidents resulting in injuries that occurred during a 12-month period divided by the total hours worked by all employees during the same 12-month period (number of employees * 8 hours * 5 days * 50 weeks)
※ Occupational iliness frequency(OIFR) : Number of occupational disease-related industrial injuries that occurred during a 12-month period divided by the total hours worked by all employees during the same 12-month period (number of employees * 8 hours * 5 days * 50 weeks)

Safety and health inspection ㆍCompany-wide risk assessment
ㆍIdentification and improvement of risk factors through MYMY activities
ㆍSite inspections with subcontractors
ㆍRegular CEO inspections
ㆍBiannual inspections of subcontractors
and eduction

ㆍSpecialized training in risk assessment
ㆍFirefighting training and emergency evacuation training
(oint with fire department)
ㆍEducation support for internal/external collaborative subcontractors

ㆍOperation of committees for discussion
ㆍOperation of a reporting system for subcontractors
ㆍOperation of meetings between subcontractors
ㆍInspection and real-time feedback through Smart Systems
ㆍSupport for safety management of outsourced subcontractors
Improvement of
safety culture
ㆍSafety declaration ceremony
ㆍAccident-free rewards
ㆍListening to employees' opinions (Industrial Safety and Health Committee)
Health protection program ㆍSmoking cessation program
ㆍSupport for comprehensive health check-ups for employees
ㆍPractical educational program for preventing musculoskeletal disorders
Activities photos
  • Firefighting training

    HDC hyundai EP holds an annual firefighting competition to conduct training for emergency situations and disasters, preparing for any potential contingencies.

  • Safety declaration ceremony

    To create a clean and safe working environment, employees, labor representatives, and subcontractor employees gather to share safety messages, recite slogans, and reaffirm their commitment to accident prevention in an event

  • Training and eduction

    Apart from regular safety training, we conduct special education sessions annually on new topics. All office and field workers have completed training on preventing musculoskeletal disorders

  • Safety management monitoring

    We have developed our own safety management system to monitor real-time situations. Particularly, we have established a safety management system for employees of subcontractors to promote cooperative efforts in the safety field